Rakefet Viner Omer

RVO, Buses in the Mediterranean Sea, 2018, oil, spray paint and markers on canvas, 500 x 420 cm

RVO, Buses in the Mediterranean Sea, 2018, oil, spray paint and markers on canvas, 500 x 420 cm

RVO, Buses in the Mediterranean Sea, 2018, oil, spray paint and markers on canvas, 500 x 420 cm
Buses in the Mediterranean Sea
(Tribute to Arie Aroch)
The New Gallery Artists' Studios
Teddy Stadium, Jerusalem
December 2018-February 2019
Curator: Tamar Gispan-Greenberg
"Buses in the Mediterranean Sea, the new solo show by Rakefet Viner Omer, an artist of "bad painting” in her own words, is a site-specific exhibition designed for the size of the space of the New Gallery at the Teddy Stadium. At the center is a large-scale oil on canvas painting (4x5 meters), layered with meanings and imagery taken from the artist’s own life story: experiences and sights from her early childhood and teenage years, quotations and homages associated with being an artist, accompanied by gentle political allusions arising from the seething spectacle. Along with the impressive central painting are smaller scale, intimate paintings, in which the artist treats details from the overall theme of Buses in the Sea. Expressiveness, symbolism, a childlike gaze, anxiety, humor and imagination are part and parcel of the overall experience."